Wednesday, January 18, 2017

More Special FX makeup!

Another favorite makeup artist on YouTube that I love oh so much is Mykie of Glam and Gore. She is a beauty makeup artist, special FX makeup artist, and body painter. She's amazing at all! She's also self taught.

Check out her YouTube channel! She's dope af!



Tuesday, January 17, 2017

"Inked in Old Age" by Maddie Girouard (Short Review)

"Grammyism: "Don't ruin the beautiful skin you were born with. You will regret it."

My grandmother has always been against marking your body, especially with tattoos, and that hatred has carried on with her daughters. They view tattoos as mistakes that you will carry with you forever. What if you hate them in a few years? What will you do when the style of your tattoo changes? The question they ask most of all is, what will you do when you are older and they look awful and you hate them?

I will admit, all of these questions are fair and have a right for concern, but I look at tattoos in a significantly different way. I view them as pieces of art that remind you of what you love, or have once loved. I see them as an expression of one's inner self. For the elderly, I view their tattoos as a reminder of their youth and a reminder of how far they have come.

Sure, there are people who have gotten tattoos that they regret, and that is understandable, but I think that the regret depends on the person. Some people are regretful people, and others just make impulsive decisions, but I don't think that all people who choose to get tattoos should be viewed in that way.

A lot of tattoos are meaningful for a lot of people. Some get tattoos that remind them of their deceased loved ones. Other's get tattoos that represent the meaning of their family or their heritage. Many people, however, get tattoos for the simple fact that they enjoy them. What is so wrong with

I'll admit that it is scary to mark your body with something permanent, but I believe that it adds a level of comfort to some people. Life is not permanent. The majority of relationships in life are not permanent. Hell, even memories aren't guaranteed to be a permanent part of your mind. To people with tattoos, it is comforting to know that when you go to take a shower, it won't wash away. To people with tattoos, it is comforting to know that there is a part of you, and your personality, that no one can take away. To people who mark their bodies, tattoos are so  much more than just 'permanent'.

Sure, overtime your art will fade, but that is just a sign of their age. Their fades are just a reminder of how long they have been down for the ride. For the elderly, the fade of their tattoos is a reminder of how far they have come and how much they have changed over the course of their life.

All in all, tattoos are a choice, and the best decision to some. No matter one's age, self-expression should never be toppled."

Beautifully said Maddie! Although I very much respectfully disagree with your grandmother and aunts.... I  definitely don't view tattoos as mistakes you carry for the rest of your life. Not even close actually! If someone gets a tattoo they regret a few years down the road there is such thing as cover up tattoos and lazer removal. But most of the time no one regrets any of their tattoos! Tattoos are such a beautiful art form that can makes ones skin much less plain and boring!!!
Also, I must say that I absolutely love this quote in this post: "To people with tattoos, it is comforting to know that when you go to take a shower, it won't wash away."
That's such an awesome way to explain the comfort feeling of tattoos!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Inspirational people: Jeffree Star

Not only is he covered in tattoos, but he also is a great makeup artist! His eyeshadow blending is perfection. Not only do I love his skills and style but also love him as a person. He's very outspoken (just like yours truly) and very confident. He's so good at ignoring all the hate he gets on daily basis. And he's just great at staying true to himself which I respect tremendously. He has his own makeup brand (Jeffree Star cosmetics) that I still need to buy from!!! He's quite the character but thata what makes him unique and awesome as hell!!!!

Love yourself!

This is a post that I hope will help at least someone out there with their self confidence! On November 9th of 2016, I went public about a huge milestone I reached in my life on Instagram. This was my post:

''Okay I gotta get deep for a few moments. What you see in this picture is 14 year old me aka freshman me (bottom) and 18 year old me aka senior me (top obvi). I know what you are thinking, holy shit. She changed a shit ton. Yes, I did. But I wouldn't want it to be any other way. The person on the bottom was never me. That was the person society wanted me to be. Back then I wanted to be like every other girl my age..... Straight hair everyday with my bangs in a poof, jeans everyday, dressy shirts everyday, ugg boots.... I always thought I had to look a certain way every single day to fit in and make friends. Deep down I've always known that I am different. Back then I refused to accept it though because I thought different was ugly. I was very unhappy and confused to say the least and then I had no idea why. In fact, since I was 10 I have had to deal with a lot of severe personal struggles. Being insecure and hating myself was a huge one up until I was 17, and even then I was still feeling not completely whole with myself but I was getting there. There's much much more than just confusion and insecurity I was struggling with but I won't get into that. Bottom line is, the bottom picture never has been and never will be who I am. The woman on the top is who I am. I was so afraid of being anything but the bottom picture for many years. But up until the middle of my junior year of high school I realized who I was and that I didn't give a fuck anymore about what society wanted me to be. I love who I am now, and it was the complete opposite for sooo many years. I just want everyone to know that different is so beyond beautiful and nothing but that. I want to encourage people to be themselves always because you'll be so happy when you find out who you are and be that person you were meant to be. Recently I have been so happy because this milestone I've reached in my life is huge. Be yourself. If no one likes that fuck them, they aren't worth a second of your time. I also wanna thank everyone who's stuck by me through thick and thin. There are very few who have stuck by me from the very beginning but they still mean the world to me. Find yourself and love yourself.❤''

Life is so hard. It's a fact. But it's even harder when you aren't happy with yourself. Honestly a huge lesson I've learned so far in life is that you will never be happy if you convince yourself you aren't who you actually are. Ever since I let the real me out I have been much happier in a lot of ways. My lesson to you is to never let anyone or anything make you into something you aren't. Society is dumb as hell. I learned to just be myself through it all and it's a great thing. Don't be afraid to be you! I was for a lot of my life and now I'm in a much better place in some aspects!

Tattoos of the Week #3!

Such a beautiful side tattoo!

Amazingly elegant and beautifully done mandala sleeve😍😍

Astronomy tattoos are so beautiful and I love them a lot. This is just a simple Cresent moon and sun, but if you ask me it's quite adorable!

Tribal/mandala hand tattoo! So pretty!

Body Mod all around the world (Warning: Extreme pictures)

This is a countdown of the 10 most extreme body modifications
******From least extreme to most extreme (in my personal opinion, comment if you disagree and say what you disagree with, I like hearing other opinions on this stuff).
ALSO, just so you know I personally think all of these are really disgusting. Extreme body mod is not something I think is appealing at all! Didn't want anyone to make assumptions just because I love tattoos and piercings. Tattoos and piercings are TOTALLY different then extreme body mod unless its extremely excessive, then it would be considerd extreme body mod!******

10. Corset piercing

This is a piercing where the person gets many rings (typically 2 rows) pierced into their skin and then ribbon is laced through these rings to give the look of a corset. This is the least extreme on my list because like all piercings, it isn't permanent. I think this is ridiculous because imagine how easy it is for one of the individual rings to get caught on something!!

9. Tongue splitting

I know your probably thinking I'm crazy for putting this as second to least extreme, but believe it or not this actually isn't permanent! If someone got this done and didn't want it anymore at some point, they can get their tongue sewn back together and it will heal to be the normal shape once again!

8. Scarification

Some people would consider scarification as similar to tattoos, but to be honest I think it would be way more painful and dangerous and too much of a pain in the ass to have. Scarification is achieved by the skin either being burned to a certain shape/design (kind of like branding) or even deeply gashed! Like OUCH!!! I'll stick to regular tattoos, thanks! They are way prettier anyways. The risks of infection with this body mod is much more than regular tattoos because the open wound is way bigger and more exposed. So if someone were to get this body mod, they would have to take extreme precautions to keep it clean and not exposed to bacteria and other harmful things.

7. Tooth filing 

 People literally get their teeth filed into the desired shape they want. Pointed, rounded, vampire style, shark style, anything pretty much!! It's pretty ridiculous to be honest but some are kinda cool looking. Why not just get a realistic set of fake teeth instead of permanently change their shape? I've seen some pretty great fake sets that look real.

6. Elf ear modification

Some people are so into the look of pointed ears that they actually get surgery to get their ears to look like this. It doesn't look gross (maybe a little weird) but the reason why it's number 6 on my list is because it is permanent and irreversible, but hair could hide them.

5. Eye tattoos

Yes, this is possible!!!! People can get the sclera (white part) of the eye or even the iris (colored part) tattoo'd!!! How insane is that? Pretty insane. I feel like contacts would be a way better way of making your eyes look wild instead of getting ink injected into your eyeball.... Also this is permanent!

4. Donut injections

Now honestly this just looks super dumb. Personally I don't get why anyone would want this. It's most popular in Asian countries. This body mod is achieved by saline being injected into the forehead and a thumb being pushed into the middle, creating a "donut head". I mean yeah donuts are super good but why would you want the shape of one on your head? Luckily this isn't permanent!

3. Spike implants

These are close to most extreme on my list because I just don't get how someone with these could do like anything. Like how do you sleep and stuff? Plus I can't imagine how horrific it would be if one or more than one of these were caught on something and ripped out. These just look like such a pain in the ass to have and are super dangerous to have too.

2. Stretched nostrils

There are many reasons why this is number 2 on my list. First off it looks absolutely disgusting, I don't really get why people want others to look through their nose? Also I'm pretty sure this would be extremely hard to fix and even if it was fixed I imagine your nose would still be permanently messed up!

1. Lip stretching/lip plates

Okay so I get that other cultures have their own things but OMG! Why!!!!! This is the most extreme body modification on my list because of how gross it is and how it permanently destroys the lips (more bottom picture than top). Even if this was correctedited you couldn't ever have normal lips again!

Now I know I've explained my disgust for most of these but honestly it's no one else's business what we do with our bodies. Sure my opinion is its disgusting but I am honestly not judging. Your body, your choice!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tattoos of the Week #2!

I found this adorable Lion King tattoo on Google. I really love the quote it because its short yet very deep and powerful.

I also found this on Google. I really love this one because it really speaks to me on a personal level. Its also a more positive way of saying we all make mistakes in life but we just got to take those mistakes and turn them into a lesson for us to learn from.

I found this sleeve on Pinterest and I absolutely love it. The flowers and mandala style are such a great combo! I have a rose with the mandala style on my upper arm but with color and obviously a totally different style over all. But I absolutely love the combination in general! So elegant and beautiful. I personally wouldn't get black and white for my arms but that's just me.

This is a piece that is all mandala style that I found on Google. Very beautiful. But again I'd personally get it with color!

This piece I also found on Google. The colors are super pretty but its a little too girly for my liking. But still gorgeous!

I found this pic on Google also and I just gotta say this girl is so gorgeous like wtf. Her tats are dope and her gauge size fit her ears so well. She slays HARDCORE.